• jeff wheeler book reviews

    Book Review: Author Jeff Wheeler

    If you (or your teens) are into fantasy, I have a great recommendation for you to keep you reading throughout the summer and beyond. The author is Jeff Wheeler. He has several series that (spoiler alert!) overlap just a little bit in surprising and awesome ways. Here are books in his series that I have read and can whole-heartedly recommend (in the order they were released): The Wretched of Muirwood This book introduces us the beautiful, yet tumultuous world of Comoros, where unwanted children are considered “wretcheds” and forced to earn their keep and are forbidden to learn to read or write. There we meet Lia, a young kitchen maid whose fondest dream…

  • three movies all writers should see
    Books,  Movies

    Three Recent Movies All Writers Should See

    Most writers I know love movies. Probably because most movies are created by… wait for it… writers. After all, movies are, at their core, just written stories, acted out and dramatized for the screen. That’s not to downplay the mountains of art, skill, and talent that go into the creation of movies—of course not—but this article is mainly directed toward avid writers (and readers). Hence the title. Without further ado, I present my recommendations for three recent movies every writer should watch, when you need a break from writing. 1. The Professor and The Madman The Professor and The Madman, starring Mel Gibson and Sean Penn. Personalities and public gaffes aside, these two…