About Me

melinda turnerThis is where I introduce myself. My name is Melinda Turner. I’m a semi-retired mother of five, in the process of transitioning to empty-nester. I’m a wife of boo-koo years, married to an active, outdoors-loving, adrenaline-seeking man who is my opposite in almost every way. 

My professional life has been spent staring at a computer screen at great detriment to my eye-sight. But I’ve managed to make some people a lot of money with my little computer and some solid digital marketing skills. I share a bit about that stuff here as well. So stay tuned for the occasional valuable nugget to drop from time to time.

 I adore books, both reading and writing them. I live to travel–often planning my life from trip to trip. And I spend absurd amounts of time staring into space, just thinking. This blog is an attempt to upload my brain onto the interwebs for all to see. Consider yourself warned.